Download Music Mp3:- Evang Uchenna Emergency – I Am Blind

Gospel artist Evangelist Uchenna Emergency dishes out his single titled “I Am Blind”. The song is a prayer to God to open spiritual eyes for all to see.
Download and enjoy this jam produced by Gozy.
Intro: Jesus! Mighty! Action God o!
You are bigger than what people say
Chorus: I am blind 2x
Jesus come and heal me
I am blind 2x
Oh bilienu oo Daddy m oo!
Featuring: I am blind…….Jesus come and heal me
Lord, come and touch me so I could see, so
I could walk, so I could touch
You are the only one (that) can do it again;
You made the blind to see, you made the lame
To walk, you made the dead to rise. What else
Can’t you do…………..Jesus come and heal me Lord.
Bridge: in the Bible, Lord Jesus when you met the blind
Barthemews, it was just the spit from your
Mouth you mixed with the soil from the ground,
Lord and touched his eyes and he gained his sight.
Therefore Lord, it’s my earnest desire that you
Touch my eyes so I could see, feel the things of
The spirit and not carnality.
Some sing carnally, some dance carnally, some
Walk in darkness, Lord it’s my earnest desire
that you touch every man’s eyes to see the things
of the spirit.
Chorus: I am blind 2x
Jesus come and heal me
I am blind 2x
Oh bilienu oo Daddy m oo!
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